why would my computer turn off

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by meoff, Mar 14, 2008.

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  1. meoff

    meoff Private E-2

    for some reason my laptop will just shut off after using it for 5 minuets or so and some times longer but i cant figure out whats causing the problem. any suggestions?
  2. biddy187

    biddy187 Private E-2

    Sounds to me like a faulty or overheating CPU! have you checked the fan or the battery might be shot!
  3. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Can you hear a fan? Does it get louder before it shuts off?
    If it is running on battery have you plugged it in? If so. does it still shut off after 5 minutes?
  4. Jerkyking

    Jerkyking Sergeant Major

    Is it shutting down completely while your actively using it or is it possibily going into sleep or hibernate mode. Is your display just shutting down?

    If your reading something or watching a DVD without at least touching the mouse for awhile its maybe doing one of the above.
  5. meoff

    meoff Private E-2

    it does it sometimes just sitting there right after windows boots. i have opened it up and both fans do work. like 5 seconds before the computer freezes and you here the fans speed up, then turns off. i
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