Wifi On Ethernet Connection?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by ukrkoz, May 11, 2016.

  1. ukrkoz

    ukrkoz Private First Class

    I have a silly question.
    My PC is connected to network with ethernet cable.
    I also have Netgear USB WIFI adapter inserted just in case, as for some time I was on WIFI before had ethernet worked out.
    Windows 10 show little icon in the bottom R corner saying *****wifi/internet access. Little "display" logo with what is looks like ethernet cable on it.
    Out of curiosity I pulled Netgear adapter out - internet is still good and still says *****wifi connected.
    What is physically impossible as my PC does not have wireless card.
    Why in the world does it say wifi connected if it works off ethernet cable?
  2. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Did you reboot after pulling the adapter?
  3. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    As Digerati says.
    But it is very simple, if you removed the ethernet connection but you STILL retained an internet connection shown as WiFi and you could surf to a website, then clearly you DO have a wifi adapter. If you didn't you would not be able to connect.

  4. ukrkoz

    ukrkoz Private First Class

    No, I do not. It's home made PC, I know 100% we did not have wireless card installed. Before, it simply showed "internet connection" under same logo. Now it "renamed" it as ****wifi. Thing is, wifi connection has those little waves coming out of its logo. Ethernet does not, simple square looking like display with a little ethernet plug overlapping it. Y'all know it. So by the logo, it is ethenet connection. But if I click on it or open connection, says connected to wifi. WITH ADAPTER REMOVED. Maybe windows simply got confused.
    Yes, I turn my PC off every night so it is rebooted..
  5. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    But when the Ethernet wire connector is NOT in, can you still access the internet or not??? It's a simple question, because if you can there is very clearly a connection. All you have to do is try and surf to a web page.
  6. ukrkoz

    ukrkoz Private First Class

    Only if I have adapter in USB port. That's why I had to buy adapter because initially ethernet wall outlet didn't work and I had only wifi available.
  7. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    Ok then your question is answered - you only have an internet connection when the Ethernet wire is plugged in. The rest of your comments about having had Wifi don't really make sense.

  8. ukrkoz

    ukrkoz Private First Class

    No, it is not. Question is why Windows show connection as wifi, while in reality it is hardwired? Not my comment, Windows do this. I'll take a snip when I'll be home later tonight.
  9. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    As long as your connection is working and fine it's really a non-problem.
  10. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Note you had, at one time, setup a network connection via that wireless adapter. Windows still knows about that network because you have not deleted it. That is normal as long as it is not showing you are connected with it.
    Nick T likes this.
  11. ukrkoz

    ukrkoz Private First Class

    Yeah, told you it's silly question. Except that it took me 15 minutes this morning to go through all the menus and such trying to figure why exactly it is showing connection as wifi being hardwired. Net works fine. It's just me being me - I don't like stupid.
  12. Digerati

    Digerati Major Geek Extraordinaire

    Well, the silly/stupid question is the one not asked.
    Eldon and Nick T like this.
  13. Nick T

    Nick T MajorGeek

    Digerati, if only more users would keep your quote in mind.

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