Will a p4 psu mess up a amd

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by cadar21, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. cadar21

    cadar21 Private E-2

    I have a loud Okia -450 w psu--supports P4/AMD
    I bought a Turbolink 420 w psu --supports P4 ONLY--
    FOR 5 BUCKS...Turbolink is quiet 2 fan turbo cool---
    Should i switch---????

    My mb is a biostar K8M800-M7A -socket 754
    will it hurt it....????
  2. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    Power supply might still work, but why risk your hardware on an extra 2 dollars?
  3. Rob M.

    Rob M. First Sergeant

    If it has the necessary connectors for your MB, and provides clean power to the MB, I don't see a problem. As far as I know, the only difference between a P4-ready PSU and any other is the additional square 4-conductor power connection that goes to the P4 motherboard. An AMD-ready MB doesn't use that extra connection. Just tie it off or tuck it away somewhere.

    Would someone care to correct me? And provide an explanation of why the P4-ready PSU can't be used with an AMD board?

    But if the PSU manufacturer warns you not to use it with an AMD-type MB, you've been warned. I wouldn't argue with such a statement even if I had no idea why the manufacturer made it.
  4. Colemanguy

    Colemanguy MajorGeek

    No your right, but my thinking was if its labled, p4 only, theres probably a reason?
  5. cadar21

    cadar21 Private E-2

    Thanks you guys but i think ill try it out for a day or to and if its skittish...Ill sell it...
    Ps i think the difference in P4 and AMD psu is the voltage rating on the 4 pin connect..
    I read it on a google search today... THANKS ANYWAYS....ITS NICE TO HAVE A 2 OR 3RD OPINION....

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