Win 8.1 Ease of Access problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by dblteez, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. dblteez

    dblteez Private E-2

    I have a fairly new Dell Inspiron 3521 w/Win 8 64bit upgraded to 8.1 unwisely thinking (I know) it would help.
    Problem: After visiting some websites, when I try to type, a seperate search box will pop up and the Ease of Access Narrator will start even though I have it disabled. At the same time, if I hit ENTER, the screen will minimize. VERY frustrating! Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks:confused
  2. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    You might have a stuck key on your keyboard.

    The most likely culprit is the windows key.
  3. dblteez

    dblteez Private E-2

    Thanks, I wish it were that simple. All keys are functioning properly.
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Try it with the onscreen keyboard. If it works fine, then it is your hardware keyboard malfunctioning.
  5. dblteez

    dblteez Private E-2

    My laptop does not have a touch screen. Dell claims its not a hardware problem. Should have stayed with Toshiba.
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    You don't need a touchscreen. Windows 8 includes an onscreen keyboard. Use the trackpad to click the buttons.

    If the keyboard is malfunctioning, Dell might be right. Of course, sometimes you can resolve this by taking the battery out, waiting a minute or so and putting it back in.
  7. dblteez

    dblteez Private E-2

    Thanks, playing with it now to see what happens. Will try removing battery also.
  8. dblteez

    dblteez Private E-2

    All was fine until I turned off the on screen keyboard. Had to restart as usual but removed battery for a while before restarting. Thanks for your help Adrynalyne. Will try again tomorrow.

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