Win 98se msgsrv32(Not responding) solution

Discussion in 'Software' started by rodalsa, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. rodalsa

    rodalsa Private E-2


    I have suffered this problem for several years. I became severely hampered by it several months ago and thinking that it might be malware I (with other reasons also) went to the Majorgeeks malware forum for help.

    I realize that there are two other threads in this forum on this subject. Rather than posting to both of them I decided to start a new thread here with msgsrv32(Not responding) in the title. If this is not appropriate the moderator may move this post to the better location.

    Here is a slightly modified copy of my last post to the malware forum which includes my working solution to the malady...

    Gentlemen with special gratitude to TimW,

    I'm back ahead of schedule. I am now fully convinced that my problems with Win 98se and msgsrv32 are not malware related. I solved the problem -- for me at least.

    I have not been bothered with the msgsrv32(Not responding) message since 02/01/11 7:47 PM -- and that with heavy use of my computer utilizing typical program usage and the test sequence of program operations that I finally found would reliably trigger the fault. It is now 02/03/11 9:43 PM.

    How did I do it?

    I cleaned out all of the Win 98se components except the following...

    Audio Compression
    CD Player
    Macromedia Shockwave
    Macromedia Shockwave Flash
    Sound Recorder
    Video Compression
    Volume Control
    Character Map

    Immediately my test sequence was clear of all problems for four iterations. Prior to the clean out every use of the sequence bombed.

    I removed in excess of 14 components during this operation. I will not list them here. I also will not attempt to define exactly which one of or combination of them produced the problem. <-- enough is enough!

    Night has turned into day! :cool

    All suggestions given were unfortunately unproductive. They all were fully appreciated and followed. Thanks to all that contributed both here and elsewhere.

    Rod :-D

    For me to believe is insufficient for you to know.
    - rodalsa -

    I hope that this helps the many frustrated 98se users that have begged for help across the many forums that I have visited while trying to find a solution to this malady.
  2. motc7

    motc7 Vice Admiral (Starfleet)

    do you mind if I ask you why you are using such an archaic operating system?
  3. rodalsa

    rodalsa Private E-2

    I was born in 1935. I find that my legacy software works well and to replace some of it would cost thousands. Recent OS' have a spotty public record re legacy support. Steep learning curves. Just a plain ole miser :dancer (ing) around Microsoft's and others hands as they try to reach into my back pocket to sell me things I do not need. The hardware is just as ancient as I am ;).

    I know that my run is about to terminate. It is getting harder and harder to find free or licensed antivirus software that will function with 98se. There is a GNU license antivirus system out there. It does not have a dynamic scan module at this time. If it does not obtain one by sometime in 2012, I will have to remove the 98se system to a back corner of my LAN and splurge on a multicore hardware system with a very recent OS. Plans are in the works for the contingency.

    I already have a copy of Open Office and am working toward transitioning to it. It is currently running on my notebook under XP home.

    I think I have it all under control now that I have isolated what was giving me so much grief with the msgsrv32(Not responding) malady.

    Thanks for caring...


    For me to believe is insufficient for your to know.

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