Win 98se "open File" Problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by 885White, May 24, 2006.

  1. 885White

    885White Private E-2

    In using this older computer this spring at our camp, I find that in opening some files the computer is seeking the folppy drive when I am in My Docs our Win Explorer. If I take the same file and copy it to the Desktop it does not seek the floppy. The file extensions that seem to have this happen the most are: .mht,.jpg,.eml. These are saved files on the hard drive. I can't figure out how to fix this and the noise from it seeking the floppy drive befor opening the file is driving me crazy.
    I looked in the Bios and I can't see anything there that would be helpfull. Since all my other machines are using XP or one is still using ME, I can't keep my mind straight about what I should try next.

    Help this Florida Senior Lady, Please?
  2. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

  3. 885White

    885White Private E-2

    I finally just had a chance to try your suggestion, but my registry values were correct, so that isn't my problem. Any other ideas out there?
  4. Hipster Doofus

    Hipster Doofus MajorGeek

    It's not shortcuts you are trying to open is it? Sometimes people create shortcuts instead of moving/copying files from a floppy.
  5. 885White

    885White Private E-2

    No it's not shortcuts. For instance when I clicked on the link in my email to view you response, it checked the floppy disk first then went to the site. Eventually maybe the floppy will die, then my problem will be solved, or else I'll just remove the floppy drive all together.
    Thanks for answering.

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