Window ME - Firewall?

Discussion in 'Software' started by aln1613, Dec 15, 2007.

  1. aln1613

    aln1613 Private E-2

    I am completely Windows retarded. I usually run Red Hat Linux so this is very different for me. How do I find my firewall info? I installed Limewire but it cant connect due to the firewall. However, I have no idea where to even start looking. Please Help!
  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    What firewall have you installed? ( as Windows ME does not have a built in Microsoft Firewall ) Have a look in Start > All Programs for a firewall application, once found you will then have to locate the firewalls software list of allowed/blocked apps and allow Limewire through.

    If you have a router with built in firewall then you may have to allow Limewire through it , some guidance on this
  3. aln1613

    aln1613 Private E-2

    Thats the problem. I can't find any firewall info on my computer. As I said I'm not that familiar with Windows but I've looked through all the programs and cant locate it.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Here is long list of Firewalls check Add/Remove for one of these being installed if none are listed then its likely you dont have a firewall installed, also a firewall if installed in Windows will be in the System Tray, hover over the icons with your mouse and see if any of the names from the list I linked to above are shown.

    Does Limewire give you any specific error messages as to why it cannot connect? if so what are they.
  5. aln1613

    aln1613 Private E-2

    I dont have any firewall that I can find, but when I open Limewire it shows the firewall icon ( computer blocked by a brick wall ). There are no error messages though. I've contacted Limewire by email (they dont have a phone number) and they still havent gotten back to me. Its been over a week. Im still at a loss as to why. Limewire is saying its a firewall problem, but I cant find a firewall on my computer. I did have Norton Anti-Virus but thats been uninstalled. Still no change with Limewire.
  6. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    press ctrl + alt + del at the same time and in the box that comes up, Click on the button marked Task Manager. Then click on the tab that says processes.
    Disregard System Idle process and System; either capture a screenshot or write down and then type the items under Image name. Once we have a look, we may be able to figure out what process is blocking you.
  7. aln1613

    aln1613 Private E-2

    Here's what I got:


    Does that shed any light?
  8. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    The last two items did not look familiar so I searched
    "drizzling service" I suspect if you want to connect with limewire, you don't want data drizzled to the computer to conserve bandwidth.
    See what happens when you end this process then try to connect to limewire.

    The last item has to do with something called Tioga (I had that on one computer)

    You might want to end this process but not uninstall it. Some Toshiba notebook users had problems with hibernation when this was idsabled.

    End one process and see if limewire works; if it doesn't reboot and end the other process testing limewire again. Maybe you can figure out if either of this is blocking your connection.
  9. aln1613

    aln1613 Private E-2

    I ended Loadqm, having no effect on Limewire, I tried to actually delete it and an error message came up saying it couldn't delete because windows was using it. I exited out of all other applications and that made no difference.
  10. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    Sorry, I no longer have ME installed so I can't try some things to see what might be blocking you. From your list, those looked like the two that might do it.

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