Windows 10 Desktop Has Issues

Discussion in 'Software' started by douglaswlee, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. douglaswlee

    douglaswlee Private E-2

    I thought that my computer was acting strangely and my first reaction was I thought it was malware, so I ran the "read & run". Well I turned out to be wrong and was directed to open a thread here, so I am copying what I last wrote in the malware forum. If it doesn't make sense, let me know and I shall try to clarify things.

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert wrote the following: "
    There isn't any malware in your machine, just a bunch of junk.

    Rerun Hitman and delete everything under :
    Malware remnants
    Potential Unwanted Programs

    Now let's do some other cleaning:
    Please download Junkware Removal Tool to your desktop.
    Please download AdwCleaner by Xplode and save to your Desktop."

    I wrote "
    Well, maybe I should have asked before I followed my interpretation of what you said. When you said Rerun Hitman and delete everything under : Malware remnants & Potential Unwanted Programs - I did not see any thing that said "Potential Unwanted Programs" so I did not delete anything other than the Malware, my thinking was that if you wanted items that said "Coupon Bar & Suspicious Program" deleted I could always come back & do it later. I started to run the other 2 programs as directed and had no problems until I was instructed by AdwCleaner at the end of the running it was going to reboot and the log would show up again after the reboot. Well this is where my difficulties increased. I'm not sure if I can be detailed enough to give you any clues. Here it goes I am just going to write snippets of what I did and what happened. After the reboot it seemed to take a long time showing the HP symbol, then a box appeared on 2 occasions (2 times because as soon as the box appeared the computer rebooted again) anyway the box had something that said C++ ****distr**** (the ** I am not sure other than the letters I included). Then I tried to get the computer to boot up in safe mode, but after I chose it to start up in safe mode - the computer shut down completely. The next time I saw the sign on screen it tried to show me how to sign in as "Other User" where I was suppose to sign in with a username and password. The computer keeps cycling on and off & I have tried to butt in from time to time and one time I saw this message "Local session manager(?) service failed the sign in RPC server unavailable" Then I decided to respond to your last post with my laptop. I will await your response, sorry if I somehow compounded the problem. My desktop is now turned off and I dare not turn it on again until I get directions from you. Thanks for your help!"

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert said " Your issues are not malware related. I suggest you post in the software forum to try to get back to a stable system."
  2. Gaming Insider

    Gaming Insider Private First Class

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