Windows 10 Local User Account

Discussion in 'Software' started by tombrown, Feb 28, 2017.

  1. tombrown

    tombrown Private E-2


    I have set up my son's PC with Windows 10 and I deliberately configured a local user account rather than use his MSFT Online account. After a week his login mysteriously changed to use his MSFT online account.

    A bit of searching led me to the fact that logging in to Windows Store from the PC will cause this .... annoying to say the least.

    Is there any setting I can make to prevent this happening? If not can I disable Windows Store so he cant make that mistake again? Are there any other applications apart from Windows Store that drive this annoying behaviour?

    PS - I also setup Outlook, using the email address that is his MSFT Online account. Does that also have the same effect (I really hope not)?
  2. mdonah

    mdonah Major Geek Extraordinaire

    tombrown likes this.
  3. tombrown

    tombrown Private E-2


    Any other apps cause this "feature" (Skype, Onedrive etc) that I need to know about?
  4. MaxTurner

    MaxTurner Banned

    I use those apps and it doesn't change my log in.
  5. Gaming Insider

    Gaming Insider Private First Class

    I had to revert to a local account after using the MSFT account. It is safe to say that it is still a local account and I can still sign into the MSFT apps without it converting the local account.
  6. tombrown

    tombrown Private E-2

    I had to reinstall Windows for various reasons (this one included)

    After a little gentle interrogation I have now established that it was his Xbox Live account he logged in to that caused this issue. He wants to be able to use his Xbox Live account on the PC, but we want to keep the PC user account as a local user only.

    So if he logs into Xbox Live, the PC login will revert to an online account - if I change it back to a local one again, will it then stay local or will it change back every time he logs in to Xbox Live again?
  7. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    You could set up a second user account for him, one local, one MS. Switching user accounts shouldn't be too much to ask of him.

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