Windows 7 & Check Disk

Discussion in 'Software' started by Break_Da, May 11, 2010.

  1. Break_Da

    Break_Da Sergeant

    I ran Check Disk on someone's Windows 7 installation and they called me saying the operating system is not working right and is acting funny. I haven't seen in person what it is doing but wanted to know if anyone have heard of anything like this, know what it maybe doing, or even know of what can be a remedy? Hindsight is twenty twenty and I am hoping to have something to look for before going over.
  2. chapincito

    chapincito Specialist

    The only problems that I have been seeing is when the OS is a fake copy, for instance some of those can be controlled with the approppiate settings in control panel; in addition to control viruses I had to change a little my package like the defrag utility. Is working fine here. Find out what the comp is doing.
  3. Break_Da

    Break_Da Sergeant

    Given the couple who own the unit, it is a legitimate copy from HP. I will be looking at the unit soon.

    Can you tell a little more of the 'changes' you had to make?
  4. chapincito

    chapincito Specialist

    I still use CCleaner, but did not work (for some reason) with W7 Spybot, AdAware and Diskeeper Lite, so I changed to SUPERAntispyware, add Malwarebytes, Advanced SystemCare, AVG 9 and IOBit Defrag utility. And I add that package to any friend that put their computers in my hands.;)
  5. brandypeppy

    brandypeppy MajorGeek

    :confused I use cCleaner with W7, 64 bit, and have installed and used it on a number of machines.
  6. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    You'd have to give us alot more info that "not working right" to give a definitive or close answer as to whats going on, like...

    What did checkdisk reveal, errors in files etc?
    What security applications are they running, too many can cause issues.
    Is Windows 7 fully upto date?
    If they are having issues, what applications are causing the problems and again any error messages will help?
    Can you re-create the error if their is one step by step, this can help?
    Screenshots of issues if its graphical or anomalious help?

    But need more info as would just be guessing as to whats wrong, in the main issues with Windows are down to old applications, too many security apps being installed, tweaking with services and the registry etc
  7. Break_Da

    Break_Da Sergeant

    sorry... this issue was someone accidently hit to full screen IE8 and didn't know they had or how to revert to a normal window... I told them to use the toggle key F11 and they were exstatic it was fixed...

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