Windows 7 Wallpaper FIX

Discussion in 'Software' started by solidclash, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. solidclash

    solidclash Private E-2


    I have installed a patch to remove windows 7 genuine copy watermark, it worked I can´t use a wallpaper in the background...only solid color and it don´t let me change to a picture...

    I use Windows 7 Ultimate...

    Any one knows how to fix this?

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Sorry but if you have to remove that Watermark then you dont have a genuine version of Windows 7, so best option is to buy a genuine version as they dont install the watermark. Hacked copies of Windows do have weird issues and wallpaper is one of those.

    Generally if it showed up by accident as some OEM versions of Windows may.... rare as hens teeth though, is to use this over a patch which is suspect;

    How to display or hide the Windows Version on the Desktop

    You can display/hide version on desktop
    1. click Start > click Run > and type “regedit” in dialog box to run Windows Registry Editor
    2. find and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop
    3. in right panel, Create a new DWORD, name PaintDesktopVersion.
    4. Give it value of 0 to hide the version from the desktop, or value of 1 to display the version of Windows on the desktop
    5. Restart your computer

    Generally it comes with beta or RC versions so if using one of those, then time to upgrade to a full version as its out of date.

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