windows 8 - where is the good stuff

Discussion in 'Software' started by GaryG, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. GaryG

    GaryG Private First Class

    I have an HP 2000 laptop with windows 8. The contrast in the text boxes has the text so light that it is nearly impossible to decipher. I know there is a place to change the setting that controls that but I have been unable to find it.
    Untill I get over the top of the windows 8 learning curve, I will continue to think that "windows 8 sucks"

    Would someone direct me to that tid-bit?

  2. collinsl

    collinsl MajorGeek

    Is this in the new start screen or on the desktop?
    Have you altered the colour scheme at all?
  3. GaryG

    GaryG Private First Class

    Is this in the new start screen or on the desktop
    on the desktop - within running applications

    Have you altered the colour scheme at all
    I do not think I have -- at least not intentionally

    Thankyou for the reply
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2013
  4. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Check your brightness. You should have keys to adjust on keyboard, or use charms bar .

    winkey + c.

    As for the windows 8 sucks thing...remember, you still bought it. ;)
  5. b2009

    b2009 Private First Class

    I also have issues with the way Windows 8 "looks".

    I still haven't been able to get the screen colors, contrast, and text to look any thing near how my XP looks on my notebook.

    I swear they 'went pastel' and dropped the regular looking colors or tones.
  6. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    If you right click your desktop, and select "personalize" you can change the look all you want.

    If you click the "windows key" or bring up the "start screen" type in personalize, click settings, click "customize your start screen" There you can do more.

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