Windows 98 SE boot problems

Discussion in 'Software' started by turbo313, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. turbo313

    turbo313 Private E-2


    I have a computer with Windows 98 SE. I deleted a bunch of files (which looked like junk) from the root of my C: drive. When I restarted the computer I got a boot error. I guess I must have deleted something important.

    Anyway, I have searched the internet and tried a bunch of things including using the windows 98 boot disk, copying system files from it, etc. Nothing has worked. When I boot from the boot disk, it gives me options to run diagnostic tools. But nothing has worked and I am still not able to boot into Windows 98.

    Now I have slaved the Windows 98 hard drive to my Vista computer so that I can see it as if it is an external hard drive. Is there anything I can do to the hard drive while it is slaved (such as copying files, changing some files or directories) to make the hard drive bootable again?

    Thanks for the help.
  2. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    If you gave us the actual boot error message it would help :)
  3. turbo313

    turbo313 Private E-2

    Sorry about that. There isn't really an error message at this point. I initally got an error saying something like "Invalid disk", or the "disk is not bootable".

    Then I messed around with the boot disk.

    Now, if I boot up without the boot disk, I get the Windows 98 startup menu. It gives me options to start with or without CD ROM support. When I pick either of those, it goes to the next screen and says "Not ready reading drive A:
    Abort, Retry, Fail?.

    If I boot up with the boot disk, then I get the same Windows 98 startup menu. It gives me options to start with or without CD ROM support. When I pick either of those, it goes to the next screen and this time says something about "Microsoft RAMDrive version 3.06 on virtual drive." Then the next screen comes up and says:
    "Preparing to start computer, this may take a few minutes"
    Then it says "The diagnostic tools were sucessfully loaded to the drive E. To get help type Help and then press enter".
    Then is brings up the A: prompt.

    I tries "sys c:", "fdsik /mbr", scandisk, and other diagnostics, then restarting. Nothing has worked. I was hoping to manipulate something with the drive slaved and hopefully find the problem.

  4. satrow

    satrow Major Geek Extraordinaire

    The actual error message can be very useful in pinpointing the boot problem. Randomly executing MS-DOS commands is likely to make things more difficult.
  5. turbo313

    turbo313 Private E-2

    There is no error message. What I have written is exactly what happens when I start it up. Also, it was not random dos commands, I researched before doing them. It really is not life or death because I can easily access my files and have backed them up but I would like to boot it up without reinstalling windows.

    Originally I got the following error message:
    Invalid system disk
    Replace the disk, and then press any key

    As I said before, I dont get this message any more. Now it just shows "The diagnostic tools were sucessfully loaded to the drive E. To get help type Help and then press enter". Then A prompt shows up. That is it. Then nothing happens.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
  6. chapincito

    chapincito Specialist

    So, you can change from prompt A (Floppy) to E (CD-DVD) and C without any problem, just nothing happens??? If that is the case I suggest to re-install W98SE and in a better case, update to another OS if the computer support the change.
  7. hrlow2

    hrlow2 MajorGeek

    If not much has been added to the drive, you may be able to use a program like FreeUndelete to hopefully recover the files.
    Try booting in Safe Mode to use as there will be minimal programs running to clutter the situation.

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