Windows can't recognize my on-board soundcard?!

Discussion in 'Software' started by 3lkku, Mar 1, 2008.

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  1. 3lkku

    3lkku Private E-2

    I bought my comp 6 months ago and got bored with vista, so i decided to go xp.
    Everything is working fine except my sounds, have tried several drivers but none worked.
    My motherboard is m2n68-la with integrated 8 channel soundcard (n430 chipset).
    I have succesfully installed the drivers but windows still doesnt recognize it, so im wondering can it be about unknown pci-device in the device manager.
    If you need more info about the comp, model is hp pavilion

    Would be pleased if you could help me. :)
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2008
  2. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    One of our members with the same problem found this fix for the unknown PCI device. (which is actually your audio) It worked for him and others at the site he found it at. (Thanks Rowain)
    Download the attachment below, unpack it into your folder of choice.
    Then go to your Device Manager and select the onknown "PCI Device". Right click and install the audio bus drivers provided for the PCI Device. During installation Windows should find the Microsoft UAA Bus driver. You may have to point towards a few other files. Do a restart after installation and everything should work fine.
    If you could post back the exact steps, you have to go through, I would appreciate it. This is new here and I would like to keep passing this on, if it works for you

    The original finder scanned this and I have scanned it and no malware was found.

    Attached Files:

  3. 3lkku

    3lkku Private E-2

    Yeah, installed this baby and its working like a dream, thanks alot!! Well first of all Device manager -> Pci device -> update driver -> choose the folder where u extracted it then u have to find the .sys file from the UAA HD Add-on folder and other .sys from realtek's driver folder and then just boot and it'll automatically activate it, no big deal.
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2008
  4. musksnipe

    musksnipe Guest

    Great!. Thanks for helping to clear the steps up. (The original site where this found wasn't too clear on details) I haven't been able to run this because I don't have a problem with my sound. Now I will have some way of helping others through the steps, if they need it.
    (Thanks again Rowain!)
  5. BobbyD

    BobbyD Private E-2

    Thanks for all you help on this, i found your thread after many many days of total frustration after i gained a virus and had to complety re-install windows XP, in the process loosing my soundcard!!!!!

    Many many thanks i can now listen to my itunes whilst i work!!!
  6. Fred_G

    Fred_G Heat packin' geek

    Welcome to MajorGeeks BobbyD!:wave Glad you found a solution to your problem. Be sure to hang out on the Forums here. All kinds of crazyness going on...:-D
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