Windows Encryption Help Please

Discussion in 'Software' started by WulabsWuTecH, May 26, 2007.

  1. WulabsWuTecH

    WulabsWuTecH Private E-2


    I recently suffered a need to reinstall windows. Before, I saved 2 copies of all my important documents to external hard drives. Everything has reloaded successfully except for my most important files (naturally by Murphy's Laws). These important documents contained personal information that I wanted to keep secure, so I used windows encryption (the thing that makes the files and folders have green text). The issue now is that I cannot load the files back onto my computer from my extrenal hard disk and I cannot access them either on the external hard disk.

    Would someone be able to describe a way for me to access these important documents? I remember all of my passwords and such, but I can't even get to that point. It just tells me access is denied before I even have a chance to type in my password and scan my fingerprint!

    Thanks for any help you can offer!

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