windows installer wont let me install photoshp

Discussion in 'Software' started by nobby, Sep 5, 2005.

  1. nobby

    nobby Private E-2

    hi, im trying to install photoshop it starts to load but this message appears, ive checked and reinstalled the installer it seems ok and its not im safe mode, its done this about 3 times in a few months any help appreiciated

  2. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

  3. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Is the installer service running?

    Start, run, type in: Services.msc (press enter)

    Scroll down to Windows installer. Under the heading "Startup Type" does manual show up?

    If so, try right clicking on "windows installer". Then select "Start". Does it start or does it give you an error?

    Edit: Or just follow Matacumbie's suggestion....
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

  5. nobby

    nobby Private E-2

    ;) it works, thanks a lot guys i did both options,
    whenever your passing do drop in for a cup of tea

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