windows login at startup.

Discussion in 'Software' started by mini76, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. mini76

    mini76 Private E-2

    just a quicky.
    can anyone tell me how to stop the windows login splash screen at startup.
    I did not used to get this.
    so where did it come from and how do I stop it please?
  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    There are tools to change the splash screen, but there is no way to get rid of it.
  3. Jawa Slayer

    Jawa Slayer Corporal

    The login screen usually comes after installing SP2. Easiest way to get rid of it is to download the Windows XP 'Powertool' TweakUI. This cool little tool lets you modify loads of stuff in windows, like removing the arrow from shortcut icons and removing the login screen. Its developed by Microsoft as an extra for more experianced users, and it's free! get it here:

    Once installed run TweakUI from the start menu, expand the 'logon' arrow on the left hand menu and select 'autologon' and then on the right check the box 'Log on automatically at system startup'.
    Hope that helps
  4. mini76

    mini76 Private E-2

    downloaded Tweakui.
    cant open it tho.
    not sure you understand the question.
    I'm trying to stop the login to windows splash screen, as I said, it has only just started appearing @ startup.
    already had xp2 and all updates.
    do not know why it has started now.
  5. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    You cannot get rid of the Splash Screen like I stated, which is a part of the booting process. The splash screen has always been there with XP, even before SP1.
  6. mini76

    mini76 Private E-2

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