Windows Setup is stuck!

Discussion in 'Software' started by stevensimon10482, Jan 6, 2007.

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  1. stevensimon10482

    stevensimon10482 Private E-2

    So I'm repairing/reformatting my disk, depending on what it lets me do.

    I've inserted the Windows XP SP1 reinstall disc, and it starts out normally. It goes to the blue setup screen, which reads "Windows Setup" on the top left, with files scrolling through on the bottom.

    At the end, it says, "Setup is starting Windows" on the bottom of the screen, only it doesn't start Windows.

    It's just hung up there. What does anyone think? Thanks.
  2. BirdBath

    BirdBath Sergeant Major

    If your running XP with SP2 at present and trying to do a repair/re-install it might be holding you up.

    You will usually get a message saying " The version on the computer is newer than the one you are trying to install " though.

    Need more info.
  3. stevensimon10482

    stevensimon10482 Private E-2

    Okay. Thanks. There is more info on my problem at the post entitled "Windows is broken. I need to fix it until I can afford a Mac."

    Thanks again.
  4. TheDoug

    TheDoug MajorGeek

  5. BirdBath

    BirdBath Sergeant Major

    TheDoug is right both times.

    Two threads just confuses people and it wastes time. ;)

    You will be better off building the SP2 disk and I think you will have to reformat and do a clean install. I only say this because when you finished up last time you were asked to activate XP again and you couldn't.

    It sounds like Microsoft is not recognizing your key because of two versions it believes are running on the same key code. You could try the repair again but as you say you have your data backed up and a fresh install will keep trouble from starting again later on.
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