Windows Updates Keep Re-installing Themselves Successfully in Win 7???

Discussion in 'Software' started by montecarlo1987, Jan 14, 2011.

  1. montecarlo1987

    montecarlo1987 Private First Class

    Hello. I have a question for you regarding and Windows Updates with Windows 7. I notice I am having problems with Windows Update repeatedly (not/never ending) trying to re-install the same Windows Updates when I click on "Check for updates".

    The updates are:

    1. Security Update for Windows 7 (KB977165)
    2. Security Update for Windows 7 (KB981852)

    These updates are The Windows updates shows they were 'successful' under "View Update History" under "Windows Update". Interestingly in "Uninstall an update" under "Programs and Features", there are no Windows updates listed at all. Hmmm...

    Maybe this can help... ...recently, I installed more memory that triggered a Windows 7 activation again. Just prior to the memory installation, I had the latest Windows Updates all installed at the time. Now, it seems the Windows Update lists seem to have been reset in some way after the reactivation. Does this help at all?

    Any ideas or reasons what is going on? Any solutions??? Please help! If you need any further input, please reply. I will provide it for you to assist in finding the reason and potential solutions.

    Thank you!
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

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