Windows XP format does not let me choose drive

Discussion in 'Software' started by shadowfx, May 20, 2005.

  1. shadowfx

    shadowfx Private E-2


    I formatted my computer a year or so ago, and partitioned my hdd it into 3 drives, one for windows, one for programs and one for files. Now most of you will know if you boot from the Windows XP CD, you get a screen that tells you the drives you currently have, size, etc, and then you get options to format these, to install windows to which drive, etc.

    I don't get this screen. If I boot from the XP CD, it says 'searching for previously installed versions of Windows' at the bottom of the screen, then it will start installing automatically, which I find later is on the next available drive. I tried this several times, and when I finally ran out of free drives that did not have Windows installed, it asked me if I wanted to delete the previous Windows setup from the boot screen, but I still do not get the folders list.

    This is very frustrating, as now, I want to reformat my whole HDD, and resize the partitions, but I cannot do this as I never get the screen with the partition lists on it from the boot screen. I also cannot format any other drives from any version of Windows (I currently have 4 versions of XP on this PC) as all drives contain system folders. Does anyone know what is wrong?
  2. shadowfx

    shadowfx Private E-2

    *bump* anyone?
  3. Anon-068c403e2d

    Anon-068c403e2d Anonymized

    Is your keyboard allright?
  4. shadowfx

    shadowfx Private E-2

    Yeah, I have tried it with 3 diff. keyboards, as I thought this might have been the case, but it still was the same.
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Don't take offnese to this, but that sure sounds like a "burned" copy thats been setup with an unattend file.
  6. Anon-068c403e2d

    Anon-068c403e2d Anonymized

    Adrynalyne the unatend file must be in a floppy right?
    Or can it work from cd also?
  7. Novice

    Novice MajorGeek

    The unattended install can work from the CD. Large corps. usually do this, and it can do everthing including entering the CD key without user intervention. :)
  8. ASUS

    ASUS MajorGeek

    Yep & it kick's Butt.
    I made Unattended XP pro CD, it includes all basic settings & then some, time zone/workgroup/CD key/SATA drivers/Bla Bla, Ive also slipstreamed SP2 and all the latest Microsoft critical updates.
    In my case I run multiple partitions, when I use my Unattended CD, I Have to choose which partition to run on & I have option to format.
    (this CD is exclusive to my PC due to CD key/License and hardware)
    After partition selection & format no user intervention, all is automated, about 25min, What A Time Saver!
  9. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Nope. It can be burned onto the CD as winnt.sif.
  10. Anon-068c403e2d

    Anon-068c403e2d Anonymized

    Thanks Adrynalyne.

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