Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine

Discussion in 'Software' started by koppinjo, Jun 22, 2004.

  1. koppinjo

    koppinjo Private E-2

    Okay, I've heard mixed things on this topic, but I figured since I couldn't find a solid answer anywhere else, I'd turn to the geeks...

    I bought a Dell (first mistake) almost 2 years ago which came with Win. XP Pro and MS Office Pro. The MS Off. has the original cd's, they look to be directly from MS, not specially distributed through Dell. The Win XP Pro CD says 'for reinstalling windows' and has a dell logo at the bottom. Anyway, my new computer should be arriving tomorrow, and I was wondering if I will have any problems trying to install Win XP and MS off. Pro on my new NON-DELL computer, or would it be wise to go out and buy a new OS (most likely XP home cause it's about 70-80 bucks cheaper than pro) and keep office XP pro, or will there be compatibility issues with xp-home and office xp-pro or what? I don't really have a clue. Or should I just ditch windows and go with linux? Heh, I'd really just rather keep what I have now if at all possible...The computer that has it installed now will not be used online, but the new one will. I have the sticker with the key on it, on the dell case so could I just say that there was a problem with my system and I needed to re-register my copy of windows? I've done this before with no problems when the re-registration problem was genuine. Oh well, hope you guys can help me! Thanks
  2. koppinjo

    koppinjo Private E-2

    Thanks, I kinda thought that. I'll probably try to install the same copy on the new machine before I spend $200 on a new OS. I could probably get linux instead, but I don't know too much about it, and how compatible it is with the graphics card I just got for the new Comp. (radeon 9800 pro), I says that it requires win me/2000/xp. So like I said, probably try it and then see what happens and go on from there. I'll post afterwards to let ya know what happens for future reference.
  3. koppinjo

    koppinjo Private E-2

    Okay, I just got off the phone with a microsoft rep. and she said that there should be no problem putting the OS on my new computer, but the condition is that I must uninstall it from my old machine. IE, you are allowed to have one copy of windows on any one machine at any time, so one copy of windows can't be on two computers. She said that it should work out, even though it was distributed with a dell, thank god. Dell has already screwed me in so many ways. Ideal for a work environment, but for the stuff I want to do, heh, forget it! So that should be the end of that, but if there are any other problems that I can't just troubleshoot, I will probably post again. Thanks! -Joe
  4. billH

    billH Master Sergeant

    So that should be the end of that, but if there are any other problems that I can't just troubleshoot, I will probably post again. Thanks! -Joe
    Hey Joe :) Let us know anyhow please. It would be good info to have.
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    A Dell WinXP CD will not work on a non Dell machine.

    The OEM version of XP activates via the SLP string in the BIOS.

    It will install ok, but it will not activate.

    Just a tidbit of info.
  6. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I could be wrong, but I don't think it will work.
  7. Vlad the Impaler

    Vlad the Impaler F.K.A. Immaculate

    I have a friend who installed a Dell supplied Windows 2000 Professional on to a non dell computer. He said the tech who did it had to use some sort of boot disk in order for it to work.
  8. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Windows 2000 doesn't have any sort of Windows Product Activation.
  9. koppinjo

    koppinjo Private E-2

    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    Okay, so I got my new computer yesterday. P4 2.8gHz, 800fsb (w/HT), 512mb pc3200 ram, 80 gig HD, 52x cd burner, floppy drive yadda yadda... So I put the radeon 9800 pro card in, plugged in all the power cords and booted it up. I put in the dell reinstallation for windows xp professional and it started the install. It got all set up, then it let me know that I had to activate my copy (registration was optional). So, I set up the internet connection, and tried to do so using the old bar code/product # on the label that dell stuck on the side of the didn't work, so I had to call microsoft and read off these numbers that the internet gave me to an automated robot microsoft woman. After telling her my 50-digit code, she informed me that she could not verify it or something to that effect, so she connected me to an operator to talk to (I think that he was also a robot, but from india). Here comes the fun/sketchy part... The guy asked for the first 6 digits then asked me the following questions after confirming that it was winXP pro that I was installing:
    1-Is this your first time installing the software?
    2-Why are you reinstalling it?
    3 -How many other machines is this software installed on?

    I answered:
    2-Because my hard drive crashed and when I got it up and running again it said that I needed to re-activate it...I'm not sure exactly what happened with it crashing. (I basically just played dumb...I've heard that this sometimes works with them and sometimes doesn't work. I got lucky I guess or I am extremely sly...most likely luck though, heh.)

    He then gave me a code to enter in and the activation finished and it ran just dandily (if thats even a word...nonetheless, it is a feeling)

    So, contrary to what everyone told me, you CAN install a Dell-reinstallation copy of Windows XP Pro on a non-Dell machine. You may have to live with a few little white lies and the fact that $200.00 of your money is not going to microsoft will be on your conscience but yeah, it works.
  10. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    Its interesting that it worked, but:

    Theft is theft.

    There is no gray area.
  11. Kodo


    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    how is it theft if he already purchased a license with his orginal pc..
  12. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    He bought a Dell computer, with a Dell licensed copy of Windows to be used only on Dell computers. It is an OEM license, not a retail license. For use on an OEM Dell.

    He lied to Microsoft by telling them it was the same computer, when its entirely different.

    The EULA says one computer only, and a Dell at that.
  13. Kodo


    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    ahh. ok.. That's one thing I didn't know: that the OEM license is specific to that machine = ghey
  14. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    I presonally don't care myself, but my point remains.

    OEM licenses require the OS to stay with the OEM hardware, at the very least, the motherboard in the case of Dell.

    Anyone, moving on, I'm glad that you got your problem taken care of, koppinjo ;)
  15. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    Agreed. It is dumb. I must have posted the same time you did, if I sound like a broken record :p
  16. koppinjo

    koppinjo Private E-2

    Not exactly, I called Microsoft a few days ago before I attempted to switch the OS over... The woman said that they make it so that you can have it on any one computer...not just a dell. I specifically asked her that if it came installed on a dell and I wanted it on a non-dell, would it be okay, and she said yes, so long as I uninstalled it from the other computer. That is the only way I can see it being illegal or "theft" is by having it on two computers, one of which will be fully operational and the other my dad will just use for recording and storing his music. Sorry if I have offended anyone by doing this, but it's what I have decided to do. I could just borrow the copy from work that gets installed on all company computers (we are allowed to use it at home as well), but I thought I'd try this before I went tracking down the one copy that our tech dept. has. So, it's not like I'm trying to put microsoft out of business. Please understand that many people are in my situation who have bought dells not realizing that they lack the ability to be upgraded.
  17. Kodo


    Re: Windows XP from Dell on non-dell machine...It works

    and now that I do know that.. In the future, I will enforce this rule. No help for illegal use. Dems da breaks..
  18. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    See, thats the problem with the "Microsoft" activation reps . They don't ever read the EULAs. OEM EULAs differ from retail. What she told you was true--for retail only.

    No need to explain yourself, nobody here is your enemy :)
  19. Kodo


    and the fact that she told you the wrong information puts the owness on Microsoft and not you and is the reason why this thread isn't closed
  20. koppinjo

    koppinjo Private E-2

    Thanks :D

    Yeah, I bet she (the rep) just didn't fully understand that it was a dell-manufactured copy, so she just fed me the generic line for that problem/issue. That makes a lot of sense now that I think about it. Thanks again. Like I said, I tried to explain it to here but then again...she's a robot--> :mad:.

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