WinXP taskbar unhide / hide time OR delay

Discussion in 'Software' started by awat, Aug 9, 2009.

  1. awat

    awat Private E-2

    I want to do something, settings or a very small neat / perfect utility to have the taskbar instantly unhide when I touch down with the mouse and instantly hide when I leave it's body. Help!

    Also, somebody please kill all the sites that kill time and space ofering exactly what I want in exchange for my 29.95$. AAargh! I'm so sick of searching through this mountain of rubble that the internet is right now.

    IDEA: Hey Google! Offer search mods that people work on for 8 h a day, that remove SHIT from Google's search results.

    Sorry for the ranting, but AARGH! I'm angry!
  2. markj

    markj Private E-2

    Right-click the taskbar, click properties, and then click auto-hide feature.
  3. awat

    awat Private E-2

    WinXP taskbar unhide / hide time OR delay (INSTANT!)

    INSTANTLY, private!
    And on the DOUBLE!
  4. awat

    awat Private E-2

    Instantly hide/unhide taskbar.

    Anyway, this was about ...

    !Instantly! hiding and unhiding the taskbar relative to mouse presence in it's body.
  5. awat

    awat Private E-2

    psst. Is the troll gone?

    Anybody discovered something on this?
  6. awat

    awat Private E-2

    What ads?

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