Wireless issue - router?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Cellon, Feb 5, 2010.

  1. Cellon

    Cellon Private E-2

    First of all, I'm sorry for not searching this up. I usually do, it's just that I have such little knowledge of networking that googling it would be like writing random words. I would also love answers before about 13-14 o'clock tomorrow, seeing as if a new router is required that is when I will be able to go to the store and buy one.

    I have a D-Link DI-524 router (http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=316) which uses the 802.11g technology on the first floor. In the basement, I have a computer which uses a D-Link DWA-556 Xtreme N PCI Express Desktop Adapter which, according to the website, is able to use 802.11n technology but is also backward compatible with 802.11g technology. The distance is about 15-20 meters through the floors, and I am able to use a 30 meter-long cable with the stairs. Here's the thing: I've used this for about 1 and a half years, and I occasionally loose connection with the router, although I am able to detect it. There are usually 2-3 "connection bars" when this happens, but every time I try to connect during this period I get a message that I am unable to access the network and that Windows can't find the reason why.

    This has seemed to happen more often since I got Windows 7, although it could mean nothing. My computer is placed in a corner, so my first thoughts were that it had something to do with the range, or something blocking the signals. But shouldn't that make me unable to detect the network? It uses WEP-encryption, if it matters.

    Sorry if it isn't explained properly, but as I said I have little knowledge on the issue and it tends to get like this when I explain a problem.

    PEBKAC Private First Class

  3. Cellon

    Cellon Private E-2

    I'll try it and see if the error occurs again, but I doubt it (judging from the way the posts was written) since I use a 64-bit HEX WEP-password, I have absolutely no connection to the network when it happens and most of the time it does work properly.

    Also forgot to mention that the firmware is updated.
  4. Cellon

    Cellon Private E-2

    Sorry about the confusion. I mainly use the wireless network to avoid having a cable on the floor, but whenever I get the issue I usually use a 30m Ethernet cable to just wire my computer to the network.

    Unfortunately, no. I am also unable to move my computer, at least for now.
  5. Cellon

    Cellon Private E-2

    Funny thing, I took a look at the tips you linked and thought that the problem might be the fact that my router is placed right next to everything else we have that is wireless. I moved it as much as I could, a meter, and my signal got boosted from 1-2 bars to 3-4. And I have yet to lose connection.

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