Wireless Router / Internet Problem

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by herbz100, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. herbz100

    herbz100 Private E-2

    Hi all.

    Ive had a linksys router for years and never managed to get it working so decided to get a cheap one this week - wireless N broadband router. I still cant get that working so there must be something wrong somewhere.

    Okay so im currently using a cable modem which is connected through a usb to my desktop and not ethernet. Dont ask me why but it just doesnt connect and ive been using it like this for many years to connect to the internet.

    I never see a globe when using the internet on the right side but just red crosses when using the internet in this way.

    I added a fast ethernet PCI adapter to try and solve the router / ethernet issue a few years ago but that didnt solve anything as my computer is fairly old.

    so when i use the ethernet connection for the LAN connection on my router connected with the computer it comes up as local area 6 connected but it still cant connect through the internet through the router.

    Hope this all makes sense and I hope someone can help.
  2. Retirednow

    Retirednow Private E-2

    Open Device Manager and see if there are any red x's or yellow flags next to your network adapter. Next, open a command prompt, Windows Key + R, type cmd and then type the following without the quotes and paste all the results back here, "ipconfig /all". Also, let us know about the Device Manager results.
  3. herbz100

    herbz100 Private E-2

    my network adapters seem okay with no red x's. I have a belkin 802.11g wireless card and i brought a belkin wireless usb adapter yesterday (thinking there could be something wrong with the wireless card), netgear FA311v PCI Adapter (worried there could be a problem with this as i cant connect througgh the internet with the ethernet cable. The usb cable modem which doesnt show any red crosses.

    Ethernet adapter local area connection 6:
    Media state ...........................................disconnected
    Description.............................................NETGEAR FA311v2 PCI Adapter
    Physical Address......................................00-1E-2A-3D-84-92

    Ethernet adapter local area connection 5:
    Connection-specific DNA Suffix...................cable.virginmedia.net
    Description..............................................USB Cable Modem 351000
    Physical address.......................................00-14-A4-B3-BD--A3
    DHCP Enabled...........................................yes
    Autoconfiguaration Enabled.........................yes
    IP Address................................................
    Subnet Mask..............................................
    Default Gateway.........................................
    DHCP Server...............................................
    DNS Server.................................................
    Net Bios over Tcpip......................................Disabled
    Lease obtained............................................Saturday, Septemeber 18
    Lease expires...............................................Thursday, Septemebr 23

    Ethernet Adapter wireless network connection 2
    Connection specific DNS Suffix...............................:
    Description..........................................................Belkin 802.11g wireless card
    Physical address...................................................00-11-50-A8-5D-4B
    Dhcp enabled.......................................................Yes
    Autoconfiguaration enabled.....................................yes
    Autoconfiguration address.......................................
    Subnet mask.........................................................

    Thanks for the responce.
    Sorry i didnt know anyway to copy and paste the above so i had to manually write it all down.
  4. herbz100

    herbz100 Private E-2

    is there anything that looks suspicious that could help resolve the problem? thanks

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