Wireless router started requesting a password

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Pozzydrive, Nov 13, 2008.

  1. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal


    Just recently when my son has tried to connect to the internet via a wireless router, the computer has started asking him for a password which it had never done before, he has a Dell Laptop, his internet provider is through Sky and when the laptop boots up it mentions something to do with Intel and wireless, does anyone know why it should suddenly ask for a password and how can he get around this?


  2. buggabear

    buggabear MajorGeek

    To be clear he can access the computer but, he needs a password to access the internet?
  3. buggabear

    buggabear MajorGeek

    If it's asking him for a password for the internet. He need to go into the router settings once there there is a section that he has to put a check mark in or take out in reference to access the internet by password or automatically connect. Check the box that says automatically connect. If he not able to he should have a default password given to him from his internet provider to log onto his account. he can enter it in that box in the router settings and click remember password that will stop the pop up box from asking for a password.

    If non of this works or if you cannot find that tab in your router settings post the name and model of the router so we can know what you are dealing with.
  4. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    it might be the wireless security key (wep, wpa) that its asking for. someone might have set the wireless sec password on it without knowing what they were doing, or someone might have been using your wireless from their car or something and did it themselves for fun.

    if thats the case and you dont know your password, you can factory reset the device by pushing the little button on the side of the router for a minute to reset the whole thing.
  5. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal

    Hi Buggabear and KingSteve

    Thank you very much for the reply, firstly, yes he can access the computer, but for some reason a password request box has started to appear and he does not have a password for it, never had a need for one, I will call him and pass on the information you both gave me, unfortunately I'm away for a couple of days from tomorrow so will have to wait until Sunday to check his laptop for myself, once again thank you for your help and will let you both know what happens.


  6. KingSteve

    KingSteve MajorGeek

    just make sure to check exactly when the password box prompts. directly after logon or when the wireless card tries to connect to the access point. thatll give us a little more of an idea of what is causing it.
  7. Pozzydrive

    Pozzydrive Corporal


    Will do

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