Wireless shutoff?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by JimLL, Jan 17, 2012.

  1. JimLL

    JimLL I can't follow the rules

    XP Pro, SP3, current updates, Comodo firewall, A^2 AV, Lenovo T60p Dual CPU - 2.1 ghz, 15.6" screen, 3 Gb computer memory, 3 cent operator memory

    I see this same question was asked 2 years ago and never got an answer, but I'll be optimistic.

    My wireless router died and I got a new one.

    My Win7 machine works with it.

    My XP machine says there are no networks in range.

    Repair doesn't work. Nothing I have tried works.

    Is there a way the antenna can accidentally be turned off?
  2. shnerdly

    shnerdly MajorGeek

    The T60 has a physical on/off switch for the wireless. If the machine is in your lap, the switch would be facing you at your beltline near the left side, just to the right of the IR window. The switch needs to be moved to the right to be on.

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