Wireless suddenly not working for preferred network

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Niobe_mom, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. Niobe_mom

    Niobe_mom Private E-2

    I took a look at the threads suggested above and found similar problems but with no solutions.

    Problem one: I am a computer newbie, much what is being said makes no sense but I would love to get my connection back. I think when my husband got things working the first time it was shear luck.

    Problem two: My laptop is an HP Pavillion dv6000, it has a broadcom 802.11a/g/b wireless card. We are using a d-link router that is both wireless and wired. All the desktop computers connected to the network/internet work just fine. My husband's thinkpad is connected to the network/internet no problem. My laptop is the one with issues. I tried connecting it wired and it did not work either. I've tried rebooting the computer, repairing the connection, rebooting the modem and the router. I've tried manually assigning an IP address (and having the same one in the router settings) and I've tried having it find one automatically. I can connect to the neighbor's unsecured connection (just as an example) but I can't connect to our network. Every time it is asking for the WEP key which I type in and it says connected but I can't actually connect to the internet.

    I am more then happy to try anything anyone suggests. Also please let me know what more information would be helpful! I am not beyond having to do a little work (after all I did stay up until Midnight last night trying to fix this).
  2. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    Do you by any chance run Zonealarm and/or AVG?

    Is the Thinkpad wireless? Can it go online with the same WEP?

    On your no-Internet laptop, click start, control..., device mgr, open network adapters, uninstall all adapters, restart pc, let windows install the drivers, or better yet download the latest driver to a disk on another pc & install these instead, restart pc, hook up the Cat5 cable (wired) from pc to router.

    Is your router on DHCP? Will it assign an IP auto to each PC/device?

    Check out the Web in a web browser. If no luck, what's your security software?
  3. Niobe_mom

    Niobe_mom Private E-2

    I tried to do those things, my problem now is that I can't even connect wired. I give up I think that I'm fighting a losing battle. It's frustrating to me to have this be just *my* computer. Thanks for trying to help but I'm going to call it a lost cause. :cry
  4. akhilles

    akhilles First Sergeant

    Call your ISP for support. It's free.

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