Word looking goofy

Discussion in 'Software' started by darlene1029, Nov 4, 2006.

  1. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    I opened a document, tried anyway, it said I needed an upgrade. I clicked ok and it appeared to be installing to a point, then told my to insert my CD/DVD of word 2002. Can't find it (so far) still unpacking - stop laughing- it's only 5 mo. Anyway this is what it looks like. Can it be changed or do I need to locate the DVD?
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2009
  2. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Oh, you need help Darlene? Gee too bad, get computers for DUMMYS.
  3. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    Does this happen to all word documents or just one doc?
    Are files in Excel or other Office applications ok?

    Possible that you have a corrupted word doc and may need to use Open & Repair option to see if that fixes it,

    Goto Open and in the Open box find your document and click it once to highlight, then where on the right side of the Open button there is a little down triangle click that and choose Open and Repair.

  4. darlene1029

    darlene1029 A Grand Lady- R.I.P. 06/06/2012

    Hi Halo, I just got it. Found the DVD, thats what it was asking for when I clicked on repair. You know I think some were old ones that had been deleted because they were like frosty, I'm not explaining it right I know. Some of them had duplicated themselves, I found them (unfrosty) LOL thats my tech talk. Anyway seems to be ok now. I was getting nervous needing to print one this coming week. Thank you so much and stay close. ha ha

    PS don't have Excel, there were about 6 out of 14.

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