Word proccesor!

Discussion in 'Software' started by angieDoom, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. angieDoom

    angieDoom Private E-2

    I have Microsoft Works Word Proccesor, and it won't to let me paste text anymore, it says "the information copied exceeds the size limit for pasting into the word proccesor" and I'm only trying to paste a few paragraphs. It also freezes up alot causing me to lose papers I was working on. :mad: Anyone know of a better "word proccesor" that would let me copy and paste large amounts text and images; also translating capabilities are a plus. & where I can download this, on a Windows XP/Mozilla Firefox?
  2. Clark_Kent

    Clark_Kent MajorGeek

  3. angieDoom

    angieDoom Private E-2

    Thank you! It's just downloaded & I've been trying it out, seams to be alot better than Works, but of course that's not saying much...

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