Wrong versions of software listed on MG

Discussion in 'Software' started by Spartan, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. Spartan

    Spartan Private First Class

    I always get this. MG states a new version of an app released, but when I delete the file and check, the version is still the old one.

    Today's example:

    TeamViewer 7.0.12799

    But when you check the file version, it says TeamViewer v7.0.12541.0.

    This also happens a lot with the uTorrent program updates where you would download the said version, but upon checking the About section of the program after installation, it would still be the old one.

    Please look into this.

    Maybe this happens because is not hosted on MG and is only available from the Author's site and the author has not yet published the update? Could be the case, but then again, MG is advertising a newer version which people still can't get so I don't get it...
  2. solaris89

    solaris89 First Sergeant

    Just downloaded it, right-clicked on properties>version and the version # downloaded matches the version number advertised, 7.0.12799.
  3. Spartan

    Spartan Private First Class

    Yes that's exactly the case I guess. I just went to TeamViewer's site and even though it says v7.0.12799, when I downloaded it, it still appeared to be the older version of 7.0.12541.0.

    I know this is not MG's fault. But then I would appreciate if we could have MG hosted links that actually have the correct / updated version.

    This happens with uTorrent all the time and with Internet Download Manager
  4. Spartan

    Spartan Private First Class

    Maybe it did an autoupdate. Because when you download it, and hover the mouse over it, it says the old version.

    It just auto updated for me to the 12799 version but I don't think the original file was 12799

    I just checked on my computer, and my older TeamViewer v7.0.12541 has exactly the same file size as the new TeamViewer v7.0.12799
  5. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Yeah, we are right. Next..

    Attached Files:

    • duh.jpg
      File size:
      77.3 KB
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