Xbox Ports Opened, But Still Strict Nat Type?!

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by Dan_UK, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. Dan_UK

    Dan_UK Private E-2

    Hello :(

    Basically I just made a static IP address for my Xbox 360 and forwarded the ports that Xbox Live reccommends to be forwarded, yet I still get a warning saying that my nat type is strict and when I go onto Call of Duty Black Ops it still says its Strict? But the thing is, when I had a dynamic IP and set my Xbox live settings to automatic detect (instead of manual) my Nat type was open, yet I could only connect to certain people (as though my Nat type was strict or moderate, even though it said it was open..)

    Here are the ports I have opened for my static IP address on my Xbox..

    Port 88 (UDP)
    Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
    Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
    Port 80 (TCP)

    Please help!!

  2. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    Why are you setting a static IP for your Xbox? Also you should not have to open any ports on the router, for the xbox to work. What model and manufacturer of your router, and who is your service provider?
  3. LordOlives

    LordOlives Private First Class

    I don't see a problem using a static IP address as they probably did that to forwarded the ports to the X-Box's IP.

    This only works if upnp is enabled which IMO is better turned off for security reasons.

    I don't own a X-Box, but I have setup my PS3 using static IP with no upnp in order to get NAT 2.

    The following may help to troubleshoot the issue:
  4. brownizs

    brownizs MajorGeek

    We actually would get that with pfSense and the Netgear that we had, before we went with U-Verse, and no longer have to use third party hardware. After I posted in regards to the OP, I noticed that they are in the UK, and things are different with their setups, than we have over here.

    Even with opening the ports, you can still do it without having to go with a Static IP. Due to you do not have to assign those ports to the IP, you can assign it for the router. Problem is, it can open some doors. Also, even if the router does not do UPNP, it should work, without having to assign any ports.

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