XP Windows Update fix/reinstall ?

Discussion in 'Software' started by akm, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. akm

    akm Sergeant

    Attached is the error message/s we get when try to load WU.

    The IE window comes up and then shuts off, and the error message pops up.

    Is there any way to easily re-install WU ?

    Attached Files:

  2. Goldenskull

    Goldenskull I can't follow the rules

  3. akm

    akm Sergeant

    Thanks for the feedback.
    Had some problems loading IE8 with the prior laptop.
    It died, so had to get new one with Wdos7 and revert it to XP in order to do a 'full-image' backup recovery.
    Now, IE8 may work fine... will give it a try.
    Thanks again.

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