ZIP file association - Win7

Discussion in 'Software' started by dlb, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Windows 7 64bit Home Premium - back when I used WinXP, I had TUGzip as my main file "unzipper" for ZIP, RAR, and other files. When I went to 64bit Win7, I found that TUGzip wasn't 100% functional with 64bit systems (it doesn't appear in the right-click menu), so I uninstalled it and went with the 64bit version of 7Zip which has the exact functionality of TUGzip so it's perfect. However, there is a small remnant of TUGzip on my PC. It causes absolutely no problems at all; it's just a cosmetic 'glitch'. When I download .zip files, or other files previously associated with TUGzip, the Firefox download dialog window still shows TUGzip, but it also correctly shows 7zip as the default app for dealing with .zip files, .rar files, etc. A screen shot is attached to illustrate what I talking about. How do I get rid of or change the "TUGzip ZIP archive" part? I searched the registry and there are no TUGzip entries or references to TUGzip....

    (I had to black out some things 'cuz the first download I could find that was a .zip file was of questionable origins and I thought it best to not display it :-o )

    Attached Files:

  2. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    What do you see in firefox:
    Tools, options, applications button, then next to "Compressed (zipped) folder" what do you have to the right of that? Should be a pull down menu. Do you have tugzip listed? IF not, what about if you click "use other"?
  3. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    If you still need to look at/change your file associations it's now in Control Panel > Default Programs.
  4. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    I was able to repeat what you did. I installed tugzip, opened FF. Checked for tugzip, there it was. Uninstalled tugzip. Went back to FF, still there.

    Of course file associations are under control panel/default programs. Tug zip isn't there. But, FF still has the remnant.
  5. theefool

    theefool Geekified

    Well, I went through the registry, and removed quite a few entries for tugzip, most were similar to tz???. As in, TzZip, TzZoo, TzArc, etc.

    Exited firefox, started it backup and tugzip is not there anymore. So, my guess is that you missed entries in the registry.
  6. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Hmmm... "Compressed (zipped) folder" isn't even listed.
    Yup! In the left column I have 2 entries for TUGzip: "TUGzip RAR archive" and "TUGzip ZIP Archive".
    7zip is listed in the "Use Other" list of programs, but TUGzip is not.
    :-D Thanks! I'll double check my registry now, and we'll see what happens! Thanks!
  7. dlb

    dlb MajorGeek

    Well, I searched the registry for anything with "tz" or "tugz" and got VERY few hits on anything that could have been related to TUGzip (TONS of other stuff though - the word "quartz" is all over the place in the registry!). The few things I did get, I removed, but they made no difference. After removing these reg entries, I closed and re-opened Firefox, no change. So then I uninstalled Firefox, restarted my PC, and re-installed Firefox. It made no difference. I can live with it, and I never open downloads before saving 'em first, so it really isn't a big deal.... but BIG THANKS for everyone's time and suggestions. If I fix this, I'll post what I did, and if anyone comes up with something that might be helpful, feel free to post!

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