some kind of adware

Discussion in 'Malware Help - MG (A Specialist Will Reply)' started by erik13, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. erik13

    erik13 Private E-2


    I contracted something fierce from accepting a message from someone on AIM. They sent me a image link. Since then it's been mostly popups and trojans.

    I followed the removal instructions, and removed some obvious things on my own with hijackthis. Everything seemed clean for a couple days, and now the popups are back. The strange thing is, scanners aren't finding anything, and my hijack this log looks clean from what I can tell. Any help would be greatly appreciated because I am completely baffled.

  2. erik13

    erik13 Private E-2

    here is my hijackthis log and startup list.



    Attached Files:

  3. erik13

    erik13 Private E-2


    Here is the winpfind logfile.



    Attached Files:

  4. erik13

    erik13 Private E-2

    i think you got it! i can't tell you how much i appreciate you doing this.

    the weird thing about whatever adware it was is that it was doing popups for and other big name companies. i would think that this sort of advertising is counterproductive, but i guess some jerk out there is getting paid to generate hits.

    thanks again,


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