Tom Cruise is nuts

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by Seargent Geek, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. Seargent Geek

    Seargent Geek Private First Class

  2. PhilliePhan

    PhilliePhan Guest

    Agreed! The dude is way out there . . . LOL!

    But, I feel the same way about anybody who spouts off from a position of their particular religion. Keep it to your freakin' self!

    Listening to Cincy Reds baseball game a week or so ago and enjoyed this exchange:
    Reds Hall of Fame Announcer Marty Brenneman: Tom Cruise should just shut up and make movies!
    Without missing a beat, Marty's new broadcast partner Steve Stewart: Oh . . . I suppose those would be silent movies!? :D

    Good for a chuckle!
  3. Matacumbie

    Matacumbie Rocky Top

    Yes he is. What is wrong, I think all those folks in Gollywood are odd. :eek:

    As David Letterman says, "he's a sensitive little thing". :)

  4. Omegamerc

    Omegamerc MajorGeek

    What triggers this on people? Does fame cause you to get so bored that you make up your own stuff? poor guy.
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I've researched enough about Scientology to know that people who are deeply involved in it...aren't all there.
  6. Kodo


    are they phase shifting? ;)
  7. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    I am certain that they believe so. :p
  8. Jerkyking

    Jerkyking Sergeant Major

    I'd like a day without hearing about him or Katie.
  9. Kodo


    no kidding..:rolleyes:

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