Kindle Fire HD to HDTV loses closed captions

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Hardware' started by Eezak, May 4, 2015.

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  1. Eezak

    Eezak Staff Sergeant

    My wife and I are watching the first season of Penny Dreadful on youtube as we don't wish to subscribe to Showtime for only one program (and our Comcast Cable bill is already too darn high). Comcast, by the way no longer has the youtube app available so we have to pull youtube off the internet.

    In order to see PD on our 50" HDTV I stream it wirelessly from youtube to my Kindle Fire HD Silk browser and run an HDMI cable from the Kindle's micro-HDMI connector to one of the TV's HDMI connections and that works fine for sound and video. But if I turn on closed captions on the Kindle (where they display clearly) they don't show up on our TV screen.

    Anyone know why this happens and if there is a setting on the TV or Kindle/Silk browser that will pump the CC to the TV along with the sound and video?

    Guess I may have to throw in the towel and set up a media server for the TV. Oh darn. :-D
  2. Eezak

    Eezak Staff Sergeant

    The problem is, according to what I've read since I first posted my question here, the HDMI cable standard did not include specs for handling closed captioning. So that's that I guess.
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