Batch script issue

Discussion in 'Software' started by Mister Fox, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. Mister Fox

    Mister Fox Private E-2

    I've been using batch files for a while now, and I'm at the level where I know all the basic stuff. However, one thing that annoys me is that I cannot set an input that is more that 1 word long.
    For example, when using "set /p web=", the input can only be 1 word, becuase in the next lines where I specify actions, "if %web%==xxxx goto yyyy", the second word has to be a command. If I want to make the input "launch missiles" (for a game I'm making), an error comes up that says ' "missiles" is not a valid command....ect.'
    Does anyone know how to make an input that it longer than 1 word? I understand that batch files have many barriers and limitations, but is 1 word inputs one of them?

    Also, I just joined. YAY!
  2. PC-XT

    PC-XT Master Sergeant

    I sometimes forget to do this, myself, because I'm used to the old DOS 3 methods, but this should work:
    if "%web%"=="xxxx" goto yyyy
    The quotes let spaces be included, and should be used in every test that could contain multiple words.
  3. Mister Fox

    Mister Fox Private E-2

    When I use that code, it comes up as "The syntax of the command is incorrect"
    I am using it like this:

    set /p web=

    if "%web%"=="xx xx" goto Y

    echo blah blah blah....
  4. FineJungThingy

    FineJungThingy Private E-2

    >> it comes up as "The syntax of the command is incorrect"

    Have to determined exactly which line of code gives that response?

    I tried your code on Windows XP and Windows Vista and it worked fine, no error message.

    What operating system are you trying this code on?

    The pages linked below have a lot of batch programming info and/or samples, maybe could help you.

    Once in a very long while somebody asks me for help with batch programming, mostly to modify or maintain code dating back from the time of the Pharaohs. I believe it is possible that the Mayans used a batch program to determine their now-infamous calendar, and perhaps that's why 2012 is not likely to play out as some speculate.....the Mayans didn't fully comprehend the impact of Y2K.

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