Border art in Word 2003

Discussion in 'Software' started by Duck_Pond, Jul 13, 2010.

  1. Duck_Pond

    Duck_Pond Private E-2

    A strange one... a colleague at work has (accidentally) installed some border art into a document needed for a client, that now displays an angel fish on each page.

    When I opened the same doc, it said I didn't have the feature installed, would I like to install it? Answering "No" meant the doc was fine on my pc. So I saved, and asked him to try opening it.

    Fish is back and on every page.

    I assume this means it's a feature he's managed to install on his installation of Word 2003 on his pc, but does anyone know of a way to uninstall it?

    Only other weird thing is that the Properties of the doc refer to the Company being "Grizli777" which is nothing to do with our company.

    Any ideas would be greatfully accepted!

    Sadly we're dealing with sales personnel who tend to click first and ask questions later...
  2. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    So, the border art shows on the document as it should, right? Where does the angle fish appear?

    Some searching via Google indicates Grizli777 is some type of video or graphic software, as far as I can tell. Have your colleague look on Add/Remove Programs and see whether Grizli777 or something with Grizli777 in its name appears there. If so, I would remove it.
  3. Duck_Pond

    Duck_Pond Private E-2

    The angel fish is massive and appears on every page, covering pretty much all of the text. I think the only way they've found to clear it so far is to delete it from each page, but they're concerned it might appear when sending it to a customer.

    There was never a need to have border art, which makes me wonder if someone installed something erroneously on their pc in the first place, or someone else with access to the doc has a virus.

    I've googled it and also looked at what can be done to remove border art, but Word 2003 is so old, there's not much about on it.

    I've seen something about the graphics being saved as .BRD files, so might search his pc for those and clear them, but there's something saved in the doc itself as it asks to install the Border Art feature when you open it.
  4. usafveteran

    usafveteran MajorGeek

    Again, Have your colleague look on Add/Remove Programs and see whether Grizli777 or something with Grizli777 in its name appears there.

    Here's a reference on adding border art to a document: Removing it should basically be the same procedure in reverse. And, a search on remove border art from Word 2003 yields plenty of references; Word 2003 is still widely in use and I'm sure Internet references to it will remain available for years to come.

    When a new/blank document is opened on that computer, does Word show an art border? And, is that angle fish there?

    I agree a virus may be the cause of this, particularly the angle fish, but I'd investigate these other points first.
  5. Duck_Pond

    Duck_Pond Private E-2

    Hi - thanks for the ideas. I think I may have removed it. Initially, the Googled suggestions of going to the Art section of the Borders & Shading tabs, gave an error of "Measurement must be between 1pt and 31pt" and it refused access.

    However, clicking on Reveal Formatting gave direct access to this tab, and by changing the art to a default option, then removing it, seems to have cleared the fish.

    Also, when I try to open the document from my PC it doesn't try to install anything now, which is promising.

    Fingers crossed. Thanks for your input!

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