What to Try a Different Browser (Using IE 11)

Discussion in 'Software' started by wwalker555, May 15, 2015.

  1. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    I have used IE forever for no other reason than I was familiar with it and it was the one preloaded on all of my PC's.

    Recently (past half year), I have been running in periodic crashing of IE on both of my PC's (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1). It is nothing fatal, all I have to do is click ok (maybe shutdown) and it restarts at the exact same location.

    It seems to happen the most when I am connected to a site that is feeding me information - ESPN scoreboards, etc. Most websites never crash IE so I am certain that it is a problem with IE dealing with the troublesome websites.

    I am getting a bit tired of it and would like to tray another browser. I have been looking into Firefox. But there are many versions. 35, 36, 37, 38 this year. Which one should I download -- the most recent (38), or maybe 36 or 37 to avoid any problems with the most recent release?


  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    You will be safe to download the latest version.
  3. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    Quick follow up. When I was submitting this question, I only had one tab open to MajorGeeks. When I clicked the Red X to stop IE, IE shutdown and I got the problem "Internet Explorer has stopped working". It prompts me to click shutdown, which I did and everything was fine. I started IE and navigated back to MajorGeeks and added this comment.

    So, like I said, not a major problem. It's just very irritating.
  4. sexyandy81

    sexyandy81 MajorGeek

    being having the same problem with ie11 myself but i would recommend mozilla firefox as it dont use much system resources the other alternative is slimjet which is based of google chrome engine but has its own memory optimaztion built in.

    Google chrome is a bit of a resource hog so I wouldn't go for that.
  5. Eldon

    Eldon Major Geek Extraordinaire

    You can also try resetting Internet Explorer. Click Tools > Internet options > Advanced > Reset... This is for IE9 but IE11 should be similar.
  6. plastidust

    plastidust Command Sergeant Major

    For a rock solid browser: |MG| Pale Moon, the 32-bit version. The 64-bit version is rock solid too but some plug-ins and add-on/extensions won't work with 64-bit browsers. Also some video drivers cause problems for 64-bit applications.

    Something else to keep in mind, if you switch to another browser other than |MG| Google Chrome, you will probably need to install |MG| Adobe Flash Player. Although many sites have moved to html5, many others have not and you may find that you need the flash player.

    As of this version of |MG| Mozilla Firefox 38.0.1 Mozilla has initiated support for DRM(can opt out).
  7. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    I run Palemoon and Firefox ESR v. 31.7.1 ESR stands for Extended Support Release. It doesn't go to a new version every 6 weeks and it only gets security updates. It is supported for 2 years until the next ESR version.

    download of ESR
  8. wwalker555

    wwalker555 Corporal

    Thanks for all responses but I think I will wimp out. I download/installed Firefox to check it out and didn't like the way it displayed the content.

    The first application I ran was the PGA Shot Tracker http://www.legacy.pgatour.com/shottracker.html#/ to track my players in the Tourney today. It made me install Adobe Flash Player as mentioned by 'plastdust', which I really want to stay away from. And then the shot tracker was compressed on the left side of the screen and in very small type.

    I could enlarge the screen but the tracker stayed in its same compressed size. I am sure there are ways to customize the layout of the screen contents but I could not figure how and quickly come to the conclusion that I would need to learn a lot of things about Firefox that I already know how to do in IE.

    I'll just live with IE occasionally crashing and hope MSFT fixes the problem some day.

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