Net neutrality banner?

Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by DOA, Jan 28, 2015.

  1. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

  2. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member


    I'm all for netnutrality but far more than that sites 2 paragraph line on what we could be voting for or against, its much bigger of an issue, you'll agree?

    This is my personal opinion and NOT a Majorgeeks position:

    Netnutrality I agree with free speech but at what cost, I believe in free speech unless it breaks a law in "said" country and I don't agree with what some of the mobile/cell companies want in limiting bandwidth just because you use netflix!

    I think if we go the route of limiting wat a user can use there internet for then we are heading for George Orwells world!
  3. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    Thanks David, and I do agree with you.
    Any links to sites with a clearer stance is appreciated.
  4. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    Oh its difficult to know who has good info on this important debate is just as weak as the link you posted as no one wants to jump in with both feet.

    The clear stance has to be per country and that's never going to be objective as in USA and UK for example

    DOA, great debate topic BTW, hopefully others join in with comments that add to this topic.
  5. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    All the Geeky Goodness here an no opinions on this?
    I guess it is a USA thing, but hopefully it will catch on elsewhere.
  6. mjnc

    mjnc MajorGeek

  7. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I have extremely strong opinions on this, and if you were here around the time when SOPA almost became law, you'd know that. ;)

    I just don't see a need to voice them in a setting like this.
  8. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

    Sorry Mimsy, I got my advice for settings from
    Oh, not that kind of setting.
    I read all the posted articles and appreciate the input. Many good points there and as of right now I think the US is taking a step for the better. Time will tell.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
  9. DOA

    DOA MG's Loki

  10. DavidGP

    DavidGP MajorGeeks Forum Administrator - Grand Pooh-Bah Staff Member

    My simplistic take on this as I dont want to ramble on is that we cannot affored to have a 2 tier internet system because ISPs wish to limit the likes of streaming media, which is basically what they are worried about.

    This will create a 2 tier system in which you will only get the likes of Netflix et al if you pay, but where does this end, the price will go up and up to be able to continue to use the internet. TBH I bet many bandwidth restrict already without the user knowing at times.

    I think the push for Broadband As A Telecommunications Service is right as in reality we have had internet access via GSM for years, poor I know at the time but now with 4G we have speeds quicker than most ISPs have for general broadband.

    Tim Berners Lee has some good comments
  11. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    I've always thought John Oliver said it best. I'm not linking to the video here, since there's some language in it some might object to, but it's easy to find it on youtube by simply searching for "John Oliver net neutrality".

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