Win 10 >file >send to

Discussion in 'Software' started by peterr, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. peterr

    peterr MajorGeek

    Until now I have been able to send a page or link to someone using File>send to>link or page.
    I have selected WLM as my usual mail client but there is no file in the upper left corner of Edge the browser. How can I resume this 'send to' email practice if there is no file in the upper left?
  2. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    Use the Share icon, second from right on Edge toolbar.
  3. Earthling

    Earthling Interplanetary Geek

    This looks like something MS need to address peter. I use Thunderbird, and if I nominate that as my default email client I expect Share to use it, not the built in app Mail. But until this gets corrected you could use Mail for your purpose.
  4. peterr

    peterr MajorGeek

    >>I was just going to edit or notify the forum that I finally found that. Thank you very much. I did try myself for a while and got it when I awoke.

    I have been all over 10 and like it as much or more as 8.1.

    I am imaging it as we speak.

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