looking for AIM code

Discussion in 'Software' started by S o G, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. S o G

    S o G Private E-2

    As in Add budy code, come to this chat code...ect

    was wondering if any one knew it, or if any one knew a website that had complied the diffrent lil things you could do with aim.
    thanks in advance.
  2. Vlad902

    Vlad902 Guest

    Do you mean the protocol specifications? There are many open source clients that you can look at the code to, the actual AIM code is close source and you can only disasm it to asm.
  3. S o G

    S o G Private E-2

    no i ment

    stuff like aim:addbuddy?screenname=theevilone902
    and other aim code.
    stuff you can post on forums, and web sites, so people can add you, or get to aim chat rooms, or send messages.
    code like that.

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