Xbox 360 controller for PC audio(headphones)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Atlantic44, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I have 2 xbox360 controllers that I use with my PC(1 wired and 1 wireless) and I am trying to use it for audio with my xbox360 headset, but the audio quality is very poor and very choppy. This problem happens even with my wired controller, so the problem must be with windows.

    Are there any fixes for this problem?
  2. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    Update your drivers. If you want to play games on your PC, updated drivers are the law.

    You need to at least try audio and video drivers (especially for gaming) but also motherboard drivers including USB drivers.
  3. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I found the "solution" from another website, what do you make of it?

    "Solution (pick one of 3):
    As long as the 360 peripheral is on it's own internal virtual root hub it will not interfere with other devices. You can force it to use another root hub by doing ONE of the following:
    1) Fill up your usb ports with other devices till it shifts to using a secondary root hub, then plug in the 360 peripheral. This could take up to 10 USB things, depending on your motherboard and the maximum devices on each root hub.
    2) Use an extra internal PCI-USB card for the 360 peripheral.
    3) Use an extra external USB hub for the 360 peripheral."
  4. Major Attitude

    Major Attitude Co-Owner MajorGeeks.Com Staff Member

    I fail to see why my advice on making sure your driver updates was ignored, but hey, feel free to try what you want.

    Any jackoff can give you 20 answers including add hardware, I gave you one. Your computer can easily have 6 or more usb inputs and you are GAMING. DRIVERS. DRIVERS. DRIVERS is always the first answer.

    You asked for our help and got it, if you don't want to take the steps with the help we are offering then feel free to try multiple answers from multiple websites and we at Majorgeeks will move on to helping those who listen to our advice. I am not responding to some unknown, or any website and their ideas, I am simply answering the question you asked.
  5. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I'M sorry, I had installed what you said and updated all it could. Also, come to think of it, the problem is not necessarily a games problem. Besides that it is about xbox360 controllers(used only for games) and I would use the audio(headphones) only for games. The audio is horrible whether it is used for a game or not.

    So this may not be the right forum for this question? :confused

    Thank You for the driver updater! I updated many of my drives that have needed it for a long time.
  6. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Which specific 360 headset, and did you install the driver for it?
  7. Nedlamar

    Nedlamar MajorGeek

    I can't see this being any kind of decent advice, that's like saying your TV sound is bad so the best thing to do is make sure you have something plugged into all the sockets at the back lol
    Even if it did work it's a duct tape solution that will likely give you problems with other stuff or issues down the road.

    I agree with MA and Mimsy, it's either drivers or your headset has a break in the cable causing it to short and produce poor sound.
    If you know it works fine then it is almost certainly a driver issue.
  8. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    A driver was installed when tried to use my headset with my wired and wireless controllers. But I think the driver has something to do with controller(s) VS the headset. Because my headset just has a mini audio jack, designed for a Xbox360 controller. Also when the driver for my wireless controller was installed, I had just inserted a mini audio jack to regular audio jack cable. That I tried to use with my regular headphones, but with the same results unfortunately. :cry

    My Headset:

    Audio Cable:
  9. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I'M pretty sure the problem is that......

    The computer sees the 360 controller/headset just as a microphone and not as headphones.

    I mean the only way to get it to work in the first place is to disable my main speakers, and that's messed up already!

    No idea if there is a fix for this. :(
  10. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    There isn't. To the best of my knowledge, the headset you linked to is 360-only.

    A lot of 360 hardware is proprietary and won't work anywhere else. The wireless 360 controller that charges through USB cable needs a special adapter before it will work on PC, because the cable is a charge-only cable, for example. The wired controllers do work on PC, but they are the exception, not the norm. And yes, the first time you plug it in to the PC, Windows will install a driver for you.

    It will probably be easier and less of a headache for you to simply buy a headset for your PC, especially if you use it a lot.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2012
  11. Nedlamar

    Nedlamar MajorGeek

    What if you could plug the headset in directly to your PC?
    I'm not 100% sure because I don't have a 360 anymore, but isn't it a single 3.5mm jack?
    Just retrofitted with a plastic casing for attachment to the 360 controller?

    If so, is there not a way to safely removed said casing?

    Just an idea, the sort of thing I would do :-D

    Edit: I was actually going to mention aswell , that which Mimsy has just said, just buy a PC headset, I would think you could get one as good as the 360 one for about $25.
    Unless they have changed them, the 360 headset kind of sucked anyway lol
  12. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I have many PC headphones/ear-buds and no, it is a 2.5mm audio jack on the headset{which is the only size that will fit in the Xbox360 controller(s)}
  13. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    Just FYI, the main/only reason I am trying this is for use with the wireless controller. But by the looks of it, the only thing that will help is an expensive wireless/blue-tooth headset to do that.

    I guess this is where it stops, was worth the try. I was doubtful from the beginning. Plus I'M not out too much money :-D

    Thank you guys for your help, and thank you Major Attitude for the drivers.

  14. Nedlamar

    Nedlamar MajorGeek

    Ah, bummer. It's the way of the world unfortunately, these companies don't want any other companies to benefit from their products.... Microsoft just thinks Xbox is a different company :-D
  15. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    I know if this was made by apple it would work perfectly. Microsoft does not care so much, and they miss many things in their products that just turn useless. While apple never misses a beat on anything with all their products being made by and for themselves.

    R.I.P. Steve Jobs :major:major
  16. Nedlamar

    Nedlamar MajorGeek

    I don't know if a gamepad w/mic for a gaming system made by Apple would be compatible with a PC, with a Mac maybe.

    Remember, they are all in it for the money ;)
  17. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    Yeah, everyone in apple besides Steve Jobs before he died. He said over and over he never did it for the money. He was a billionaire at age 25

    Remember, iTunes/iPod was originally only for Mac, and Jobs wanted it to stay that way. But they did make it compatible so they could sell more iPods because everyone uses windows. Like me :-D
    But you see, apple won't make anything for android. Steve said the only reason to make stuff for android would be to make them happy, and he don't want that. lol :p

    I'd own a mac if I had enough money laying around.

  18. Mimsy

    Mimsy Superior Imperial Queen of the MG Games Forum

    Did you just praise Apple in a gaming forum??!?!? :neener

    Apple products work great with other Apple product. Not so much with other brands. Kind of like your 360 headset. ;)
  19. Nedlamar

    Nedlamar MajorGeek

    Isn't that a contradiction in terms? ;)
  20. Atlantic44

    Atlantic44 Corporal

    IKR, least I got my point across. :banghead

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