I have two loud speakers a half a foot away from my pc. Big No No?

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by superstar, Oct 31, 2006.

  1. superstar

    superstar Major-Superstar

    I work in a sound studio and I must know this answer...

    Well I have a pc and on the floor we have two loud speakers that pound loud music. Now is this bad for my hard drives or pc? Can this damage my pc at all?

    I've had them there for a while now but I must know before I do any damage. One thing I know is that hard drives shouldn't be by static or whatever. I hope whatever is used to make speakers (I believe magnets are inside all speakers) doesn't ruin my hard drives inside my pc. I also heard that hard drives are suceptable to vibration or something. Hmmm Please help me before I do any damage....
  2. bigbazza

    bigbazza R.I.P. 14/12/2011 - Good Onya Geek

    Can't help you with a technical answer, but you could try setting your PC on a rubber mat, the thicker the better. That should dampen HD vibrations. Bazza


  3. Jazagod

    Jazagod Command Sergeant Major

    I have a couple larger speekers quite near me and all seems fine, but once I turned one around so I could listen to tunes in the other room and it made my monitor goto rainbows...I turned it back quick (was the same distance away).. good question. Also, what would be a safe distance?
  4. augiedoggie

    augiedoggie The Canadian Loon - LocoAugie (R.I.P. 2012)

    Magnets and monitors/TV don't go well together since they both use EMF to do their work. As to the speakers, there is only so much vibration that they can take as those speakers will vibrate the case along with the floor, walls etc. I have no proof but I would move one or the other.
  5. BCGray

    BCGray Guest

    CRT monitors and Floppies use magnetic fields (EMF) to do there job, HD/CD/DVD's use Magnetic fields to move the read/write heads, most fans are brushless and use Magnetic fields only to run (actually seen a strong Magnetic Field stop a fan).

    Having said that will it harm the Comp, don't think it will if it hasn't yet, but I would move mine

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