Better cell service in my house

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Software' started by LauraR, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

  2. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Who is your carrier?
  3. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Verizon Wireless
  4. TimW

    TimW MajorGeeks Administrator - Jedi Malware Expert Staff Member

    Really? They have a rep for great coverage.
  5. Imandy Mann

    Imandy Mann MajorGeekolicious

    Just a thought. we have outdoor antennas for digital tv reception and also range boosters/repeaters for other signals so why not a combination for cell phones. Seems it would be a money maker. And would make for many happy customers.
  6. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    I know at least with AT&T there is a Cell Phone Signal Booster you can get for better cell service in your home. I know nothing about Verizon.
  7. joffa

    joffa Major Geek's Official Birthday Announcer

    Hey Laura, over here after market 3G/4G signal boosters are generally illegal but Optus (one of the main telcos) market a signal booster product called home zone that takes you from less than 1 bar reception to 5 bar reception. Over here some of my friends who live in the mountains of the Dandenong Ranges in a well known black spot reception area had it set up for about Au$75 after rebates and offers were deducted. My friends say it works most of the time really great but in really stormy weather or whenever their broadband connection is slower than 128kb/s then it doesn't work at all :(
    Here is a link explaining the Optus system (video).
    It is a mostly a hardware based solution which is probably available elsewhere. ;)

    Footnote: It adds somewhere between 1.5GB and 2.5GB data usage to your broadband account. Also if you are torrenting or downloading heavily on your pc and your network speed goes below 128kb/s then it drops out and you no longer have 3G coverage :cool :major
  8. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    Must be legal in US since AT&T sell or rent you the signal box.
  9. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    They do. If I go outside, I'm fine. It's inside my house that's bad. Mostly, its texting that's the problem for me. Calls seem to go through okay, but it's always only about 1 bar.

    You can get things like that for cell service. Not sure on the combo thing though. I don't have an antenna for my tv since I have cable.

    Verizon has the same. You are better off getting one on your own though, since most of what I've read is that the quality of Verizon's at least isn't great.

    They are all pretty expensive....$250+ (most good ones are higher). They also have mixed reviews. What you have to have is a 4 or 5 bar signal to boost from and they have to be installed where that signal is (roof, attic, etc).

    I looked into them all a while ago.

    Thanks joffa. :) That looks sort of what I was looking into.

    They are definitely legal in the US.

    I've looked into it all. I just don't want to spend a huge amount of money so I can text in my house. That was one of the other considerations I had leaning towards an iPhone since you can use iMessage on a wireless network. I wouldn't be worried about this. But I didn't go with the iPhone for other reasons...mainly because I had one and liked Windows phones much better.
  10. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    I totally understand not wanting to spend a bundle on something that might not work that well. I know a few people that use or have used the AT&T signal box and all got different results, some good, some marginal.
    Good luck!
  11. LauraR

    LauraR MajorGeeks Super-Duper Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, I've pretty much resigned myself to inconsistent texting in my house. Since I'm not 16, it's really not the end of the world. LOL to fashion myself a tinfoil hat to wear. :-D
  12. joffa

    joffa Major Geek's Official Birthday Announcer

    I should have added to my previous post that the reason my friend's Home Zone is unreliable in storms is because the phone lines and and the power lines are run above ground on power poles and they live in the middle of a forest on the side of a mountain. During storms the phone and power lines come down due to broken branches or trees falling down so when the lines are down they don't have either internet or power. Otherwise the system is very good and gives them 5 bars reception for their mobile phones all over their ½ acre property.

    Out here everything is double or triple the price so in the USA it is probably a fraction what they paid.;)
  13. Anon-9aee479f8f

    Anon-9aee479f8f Anonymized

    LOL I remember my grandparents wrapping the TV Rabbit Ears Antenna in foil because they said it give them better reception. It just made me laugh. roflmao
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