Error Loading Windows Service Pack 3

Discussion in 'Software' started by rejavanation, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. rejavanation

    rejavanation Private E-2

    I am trying to upgrade an older system to the Windows Service Pack 3 release. I am using Windows Update to load the SP.

    When it begins to check my system configuration I get the error message:

    Ndis.sys is in use or being used by another program and then I am given the option to retry or cancel. I've searched the Internet and found that Ndis.sys can also act as a virus, but it can just as well be a legitimate windows system file. In either case, I can't get past this point to load SP3.

    Can someone help?

    I have used the forum so far to run all of the suggested software to clean my system of malware, viruses and spyware.

    Windows XP Home Edition SP2
    Pentium 4 Processor 3.00 GHz
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  3. rejavanation

    rejavanation Private E-2

    Thanks for you response, but I resolved the problem.

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