I am looking for a program that can tell me if files have been edited?

Discussion in 'Software' started by breadbin, Mar 7, 2005.

  1. breadbin

    breadbin Private E-2

    Hi I am looking for a file monitor type program that can tell me what files have been edited, deleted etc. I suppose you would run it first to take a snap shot of the hard disk and then I want to be able to see what files have been added, deleted or edited etc. Does anyone know any programs like this? Thanks I am looking for shareware for windows 98 I suppose.
  2. InYearsToCome

    InYearsToCome MajorGeek

    go to Start> Search (it might be called Find Files or Folders on 98, I forget).

    in any case, run a blank search for "All files and folders". as the results come up, you can auto sort them date modified.

    if you want some advanced feature, you might shed a little light onto what you are trying to do so we can get a good idea
  3. breadbin

    breadbin Private E-2

    thanks for the reply, I had forgotten about that. I am trying to crack a shareware program at the moment and just in case I cannot, I would like to be able to reset the timed evaluation period whenever so I can use it all the time. This particular program doesn't use the registry but I found in fact it makes a file in my system directory. But I found that out by chance really. There was a thing called WinXIOMonitor or FileMonitor that did it but only for Win98 or 95. No updates for that. If you know of any let me know, thanks.

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