Cannot delete file Unis000.msg

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jonj238, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. Jonj238

    Jonj238 Private E-2

    I have Win7 and recently started experiencing the Explorer "Green Bar of Death." I have traced it to a folder that has a file left over from an uninstall named unis000.msg. I cannot delete this file as explorer crashes trying. Trying to rename it causes Explorer to crash. Doing anything with it causes Explorert to crash.

    How can I get rid of this file??
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

  3. Jonj238

    Jonj238 Private E-2

    Thank you that worked, and I was able to delete the files.

    This whole thing started because I was getting the "Explorer Green Ribbon of Death", which is a green progress bar that very slowly inches across the top of an open explorer window and and never goes away and will cause Explorer to crash. It seems in my case that this green ribbon was caused by the Unis000.msg files. I had about 5 such files, and now that they are deleted my green ribbon problem has gone away. I didn't delete anything except the .msg files.

    I have done some testing and it seems that a program does not install unis000.msg files during the install. They seem to be created by the uninstall process, and are deleted along with the rest of the program. I was however able to create these files by an aborted uninstall twice. Which caused my green ribbon problem to return. I deleted those last 2 ,msg files, did a windows search and found there are no more unis000.msg files on my system. The green ribbon problem has gone away again.

    Just thought I would share this.

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