iCloud locked iPad 2...???

Discussion in 'Smartphones and Tablets - Hardware' started by dazedandconfuzed, Aug 31, 2015.

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  1. dazedandconfuzed

    dazedandconfuzed Private First Class

    Quick question. Somebody wants to trade an Apple iPad 2 (I would be receiving the iPad). This is what they say about it..."iPad works great but iCloud is L0CKED. Cannot activate."

    I'm old and not tech savvy. What exactly does that mean? If I don't need it for photos, mail, etc. can it still be used to log on to the internet and access web sites?

    Thanks in advance for your awesome help!
  2. plodr

    plodr Major Geek Super Extraordinaire

    It is probably stolen.

    I found this:
    If I bought an iCloud locked iPad off of eBay, is it possible to bypass it?

    No. If you are trying to activate an iPad or iPhone and it is asking for a previous owners Apple ID and password, you have encountered the Activation Lock. This is a security feature that prevents thieves from setting up and using a stolen or lost iPad or iPhone. You have no alternative. You must contact the previous owner to get permission to use the device. If you cannot contact the previous owner return the device to where you bought it and get a refund.
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