Dropbox - Connection Issues

Discussion in 'Software' started by xTH3xMoDsZx, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. xTH3xMoDsZx

    xTH3xMoDsZx Private E-2

    Hi all!

    I'm having issues with Dropbox 2.6.2 (Desktop software)

    Each and every-time I load Dropbox, it keeps coming up as "No Internet Connection" and also, if I hover over the Dropbox icon in the Taskbar it also says "Can't establish secure Internet Connection" (See attachment)

    I've checked my AV/Firewall and it's allowing incoming and outgoing connections, and after doing so, it has done square root of jack.

    Hope you MajorGeeks could help me? :major


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 1, 2014
  2. xTH3xMoDsZx

    xTH3xMoDsZx Private E-2

    Someone please help?
  3. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    The most likely culprit is that a firewall is blocking it.
  4. xTH3xMoDsZx

    xTH3xMoDsZx Private E-2

    Meh, I've checked numerous of times, I've even uninstalled my AV and turned off my Firewall - and still not working. :(
  5. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

  6. xTH3xMoDsZx

    xTH3xMoDsZx Private E-2

    I used that yougetsignal.com website and both ports that are required are closed/blocked :(

    I'm unsure how I'm going to accomplish this, here's what my port mapping looks like [see attachment] ports.jpg
  7. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Do you have UPnP enabled?
  8. xTH3xMoDsZx

    xTH3xMoDsZx Private E-2

    Indeed I do! :)
  9. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    Well if you suspect the router, put your computer under DMZ, and test it.
  10. xTH3xMoDsZx

    xTH3xMoDsZx Private E-2

    How will I execute that? Could you tell me how?
  11. Adrynalyne

    Adrynalyne Guest

    What router do you have?
  12. scrod

    scrod Private E-2

    I believe the Dropbox client app does SSL-certificate-pinning, so this error could indicate have an SSL-intercepting proxy running either in front of or on your computer. This might be because of some software you installed, or because either your ISP or your employer is monitoring and decrypting your SSL traffic. Usually for this to work, their certificate authority cert would have to be installed and trusted on your computer.
  13. drmuzzbuzz

    drmuzzbuzz Private E-2

    I was able to solve this problem by opening Dropbox from the start menu. This gave me the icon in the trey and from there I was able to get into the settings. Under preferences I clicked on proxy and chose No Proxy. That solved the problem for me.
  14. developer63

    developer63 Private E-2

    Here is a solution that worked for me that I posted on GetSatisfaction dot com. It was an addition to a solution from Pinar Celik. His solution made Dropbox work, and my addition made the annoying "Invalid Proxy Configuration" messages from Dropbox go away.

    Pinar Celik 7 months ago
    I found the solution! Really, really strange, because I have installed dropbox a million times on a million computers, and I have never encountered this.

    So rightclick on the dropbox icon.
    Click on the settingswheel
    navigate the Preferences tab
    click on Proxies
    select Manual (for me it was set on Auto-detect, for some reason)

    Click OK.

    Now the login screen should appear.

    I have no idea why Pinar's solution works, but it was the only thing that finally, finally, worked for me.
    I got a new Win7-64 PC, replacing an older Win7-64 PC. Same network, same everything. But Dropbox simply didn't work on the new PC, giving this ridiculous, bogus "Computer is currently offline" message.
    My work has a proxy server, and on the old PC, I had set Dropbox Preferences to "No proxy" on the Proxies tab, and this simply worked. It didn't work on the new PC.
    I tried everything, and nothing worked.
    What finally worked for me:

    1. I used Pinar's solution above, set "Proxy settings" to "Manual". It then started working with the proxy server field left blank. However, Dropbox would periodically give me annoying "Invalid Proxy configuration" messages (may not be exact wording) in the tray notification area, even though Dropbox seemed to work OK for sending file traffic back and forth.

    2. What I did to get rid of those "Invalid proxy configuration" messages:
    In IE Settings, Internet Options/Connections/LAN Settings/Proxy Server/click "Advanced" button, and fill in whatever your proxy server information is. Then go to the "Exceptions" "Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with", and to the list of excluded addresses, add "*.dropbox.com" (no quotes), being sure to separate with a semicolon from other entries.
    This combination worked for me...

    It's the same network, mostly same PC setup, so I have no idea why the old PC "just worked", and the new PC didn't, until I tried these steps.
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